만족7 리뷰
  • ≤2h
    평균 응답 시간
  • 95.5%
    정시 납품율
  • US $40,000+
    {0}건의 주문
디자인을 통한 맞춤 제작
전체 맞춤 제작
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회사 리뷰 (7)
4.7 /5
  • 공급업체 서비스
  • 정시 배송
  • 제품 품질
build quality is very bad. video getting freezed unexpectedly. very slow response. very high latency. BYOM not working properly. some time working some time not working.

    공급업체의 응답:

    The client leave negative feedback as Alibaba recognizing the damage as being caused by mishandling rather than a product defect and denied his attempt to return the product. He purchased both a USB & a Type-C dongle, and upon receipt, both were in good condition, as confirmed by him in video he sent. The next day, he reported that the surface of the Type-C dongle had been damaged by sweat, while the USB dongle, made of the same material, remained unaffected. The photo provided showing the surface of the Type-C dongle had been treated with chemicals, causing the manufacturer's logo (IQ) disappear. As he had previously expressed a preference for without logo. But due to price and quantity, he ultimately opted one with the logo. The client attempt to return the product through Alibaba was denied, with Alibaba recognizing the damage as being caused by mishandling rather than a product defect. So he chosen to leave negative feedback.
    28 Apr 2024
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